Welcome to our blog. We are a family of four (Dad, Mom, 8-year-old son, 10-year-old daughter when we left) from Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. In September of 2016, we gathered a small set of our belongings and left home, hopefully for about a year. In Australia, they usually call this a “gap year” but one typically travels the world between University and “real life”, not between elementary and middle school.
Why? Why not? Life is way too short. And the time we’ll have to actually hang out with our kids is even shorter. So NOW seemed like a great time.
Our adventure began in Europe…and has now moved to Australia…and to New Zealand…and to Hawaii. You can see all the locations in one list on our Places We’ve Been page..
In our blog entries we will share our experiences, our learnings, our successes, and our failures. And lots of photos.
This is our first blog. Click around, check out pages and posts and ads and comments. There may be future formatting changes, guest authors, and even some rhyming. But certainly no interpretive dancing.
Please enjoy!
The header photo is of Lake Annecy, where we spent our first two wonderful months.