While the kids played a bit of tennis and then made up an obstacle course on the jungle gym, Mike went to get tickets for the Royal Scot Cruise Loch Ness tour.
After a quick snack, we boarded the Royal Scot for a fabulous one hour cruise. There was some prerecorded historical and geological information on the area as well as the crew pointing things out — like the goats on the hillside, which can only mean there must be a monster lurking close by, maybe in the waters of Loch Ness!
About half way through the cruise, they announced that there was going to be a presentation on the sonar used on the boat. While people didn’t move quickly from the upper outside deck to the lower inside level, they followed up that announcement with another letting us know that when the boat turns to head back, it’ll get really windy and possibly wet, so being inside might be best…hint, hint! 🙂
The guy (TJ) giving the presentation was super entertaining! 🙂 We learned all sorts of facts about Loch Ness and Nessie.
— Loch Ness is deep enough that you could fit the world’s population many times over in it!
— The Loch Ness monster could very well be some sort of fish (e.g., a sturgeon) that would legitimately have the ability to live for hundreds of years!
— With the water in the Loch, they could flood all of Wales and England to a depth of 3 inches, but as TJ said, “We don’t have the technology…yet!” 🙂
He also showed how they use the sonar screens and information to find out things going on deep below the surface of the Loch.
Best of all, we got pictures and a video of Nessie!! It was a GREAT tour!
After we got back, we strolled around town for a bit and then headed back for lunch.
Mike got some fresh haggis, a steak pie, and a beef and onion pie from the local butcher. Mike and L have already established that they like haggis, so G and I tried it this time. Apart from knowing how it’s made, we now have all agreed it’s quite tasty! In addition, we had mince pie for dessert! 🙂
Later, we went down to the Club Lounge to hang out and play a few games. While we were there, we met up with a lovely family we’d met briefly earlier in the day, who have a boy and a girl around the same ages as G and L! 🙂 We ended up having a really fun boys vs. girls Pictionary game, including the parents, and then we all went back to our apartment to watch the 6th Harry Potter!
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