So, my family and I are living in Europe. Right now, we’re in a two bedroom AirBnB apartment in BEAUTIFUL Annecy, France. We had been thinking about it for a few months and once I learned my consulting contract was done in September, I booked tickets on Condor Air, we scrambled to get ready to go, and here we are.
I’ve had two fairly consistent reactions when telling friends, family, and co-workers about this adventure. Neither is right or wrong, they just are.
ME: “We’re moving to Europe, hopefully for a year.”
OTHER PERSON (OP): “You are doing WHAT?”
ME: “I’m gonna take the family and move, probably to a French-speaking country because my wife and kids speak French.”
OP: “So, are you moving for work?”
ME: “Nope. I have one month left on my contract here so will be working from home. Home is just going to be in Europe.”
OP:”Then what? Will you send the kids to school? Where will you live?”
ME:”I’ll try to find a job there or another remote job. We’ll home-school the kids until I get a work or residency visa. We’re looking at AirBnB’s and VRBO’s in Switzerland, France, and Belgium right now. We’ll find someplace for the first month, then we’ll decide if we want to stay or not”.
OP: “Wow. So,’re making it up as you go? That will be quite the experience for you and your kids, I’m sure.”
ME: “I’m sure we’ll be huddled in a corner once in a while, wondering what in the heck we’re doing, but that’ll be part of the experience.
OP: “Good luck!” <turning and leaving,with confusion and wonderment, presumably with head shaking and eyes rolling>
ME: “We’re moving to Europe, hopefully for a year.”
OTHER PERSON (OP): “You are doing WHAT?”
ME: “I’m gonna take the family and move, probably to a French-speaking country because my wife and kids speak French.”
OP: “WOW – that’s awesome! I always wanted to just up and go. Do you have a job there or something?”
ME: “Nope. I have one month left on my contract so will be working from home through September. Home is just going to be in Europe.”
OP:”Cool! You are doing what I wished I had done when I had the chance. It’ll be great!”
ME: “I’m sure we’ll be huddled in a corner once in a while, wondering what in the heck we’re doing, but that’ll be part of the experience.
OP: “Experiences are all important. Good luck!” <turning and leaving, excited for us>
Guess the priest at your wedding was right about “flying by the seat of your pants”.
Additional Conversation Questions:
How old is your brother? Wow! Isn’t he too old to pull a stunt like this?
What’s his wife say? Is she really on board with this? (I usually share what an excellent wedding you pulled off in 5 months as evidence that Jody can do anything)
Do the kids understand that most people don’t have this kind of an upbringing?
Is your Mom upset? (never “are you upset?”)
When are you going to visit?
Hi Mike and fam. Good update if lacking detail about anything European. I would fall squarely into the second category regarding “you are doing what?!?!” It will be fun to live vicariously through you all and hear of your experiences. Have fun, stay loose and good luck!
(Uncle) Ed, thanks for the comment – we’ve tried to make things more European with our latest posts. You latest comment somehow got lost – I approved it but for some reason it was in my sandbox, not the actual site. No, I don’t understand how such a thing could happen either.
Wow!!!! How exciting! We are thrilled to receive your blog. You two are truly amazing. Sending love and hugs.
Can’t wait to read the next installment! So happy you’re sewing your European oats, what a great experience. You’ll show is how it’s done. College is essentially free in Germany so on a couple years we’ll move over and we’ll probably come out ahead 🙂
Can’t resist responding to the phrase “sewing your European oats” as a sewing machine was one thing that didn’t make it in the final cut of what stays and what goes. 🙁 However, in Freiburg, there were at least 3 fabulous fabric stores we saw, so I’m looking forward to finding some more during our adventures! For now, I’m keeping my crafty side busy with knitting washcloths and teaching the kids how to cross-stitch. 🙂